Our Team

Prof. Jiangfan Yu

Assistant Professor, School of Science and Engineering(理工学院助理教授)
Adjunct Assistant Professor, School of Medicine(医学院兼职助理教授)
Director, AIRS Micro-nanorobotics Center(深圳市人工智能与机器人研究院,微纳机器人研究中心主任)

PI of National Key R&D Program of China, Young Scientist Program (国家重点研发计划青年首席科学家)
National High-level Young Scientist(国家高层次青年人才)
CUHK-SZ Presidential Young Fellow(香港中文大学深圳校长青年学者)



Email : yujiangfan@cuhk.edu.cn

Contact : Office 409, Cheng-Dao Building, CUHK-SZ

Tel : (+86) 235-19582

    Prof. Yu is currently an Assistant Professor and Presidential Young Fellow in SSE, CUHK-SZ. He is also the Director of the Research Center on Microrobotics, Shenzhen Institute of AI and Robotics for Society. His research interests mainly focus on micro/nanorobotics, including their fundamental modelling, actuation strategy, motion and reconfiguration control, and biomedical applications. He has published over 60 top journal and international conference papers, including Science Advances, Nature Communications, IJRR, T-Ro and Advanced Materials. His signature works have been indexed as ESI highly cited papers, and have been highlighted in Science, Nature and international press reports, such as CNN. He has also published 2 monographs, 1 edited book and 2 book chapter. He is an IEEE Senior Member, and has won several impactful awards, including IEEE RAS Early Academic Career Award, Frontiers of Science Award on International Congress of Basic Science, IEEE 3M-NANO Rising Star Award, Wu Wen Jun AI Science & Technology Award, Baidu Global Chinese Young Scholar in AI, T-Mech Best Paper Award Finalist, and Hong Kong Young Scientist Award Shortlist. He serves as an associate editor for IEEE RA-L, ICRA and IROS, and a reviewer for top journals and conferences, including Science Robotics, Science Advances, Nature Communications, IJRR, T-Ro, T-Mech and Advanced Materials.


        俞江帆是香港中文大学(深圳)理工学院助理教授、校长青年学者、深圳市人工智能与机器人研究院微纳机器人中心主任。他是国家高层次青年人才,主持国家重点研发计划青年项目,以及国自然、广东省、深圳市的多项人才及科研项目。他担任中国微纳技术学会微纳米机器人分会、微纳执行器分会理事、IEEE高级会员。他的研究主要集中在微纳米机器人和医疗机器人领域,至今发表了60余篇顶级期刊及会议文章、2本专著、1本编著及多个书目章节,发表文章包括Science Advances、Nature Communications、IJRR、T-Ro、Advanced Materials等。他获得了多个有影响力的奖项,包括IEEE RAS Early Academic Career Award、国际基础科学大会前沿科学奖、IEEE 3M-NANO Rising Star Award、吴文俊人工智能科技奖自然科学奖二等奖、百度全球华人AI青年学者、T-Mech最佳论文奖入围等。他担任多个国际期刊及会议的编委,以及包括Science Robotics, Science Advances, TRO, TMECH在内的多个顶级期刊和会议的审稿人。他带领的智能微型机器人实验室是一个多学科高度交融的平台,综合材料科学、机器人学、控制科学、生物医疗等基础科学,在充分允许科研自由性、趣味性的同时,逐步致力于解决和人类生活、健康息息相关的问题。






Lab Director :

PhD Candidates :

Hui Chen    (Y4)

M.Eng., Harbin Engineering University

B.Eng., Harbin Engineering University



Yibin Wang    (Y4)


M.Sc., Carnegie Mellon University

B.Eng., Harbin Institute of Technology, Weihai

Ziheng Chen


Ph.D. student in Shanghai University







Yuezhen Liu    (Y4)


B.Eng., Harbin Institute of Technology, Shenzhen



Research Associates :

Xingzhou Du  


Ph. D., Chinese University of Hong Kong
B. Eng., Xi'an Jiaotong University


Undergraduate Students : :

Visiting Students :

Kaiwen Fang   (Y2)


B.Eng., Southwest Jiaotong University



Jinbo Liu    (Y2)

M.M., Shandong University

M.B., Shandong University



Leiming Xie    (Y1)    

M.M., Shenzhen University

M.B., Hunan University of Chinese Medicine



Wei Zhang    (Y5)

M.Sc., The National Center for Nanoscience and Technology

B.Sc., China Agricultural University



Yu Liu    (Y1)    

 B.Eng., Harbin Institute of Technology




Jinxin Li (SSE)

Yiting Xiong (SSE)

Guangjun Zeng (SSE) 

Yibo Wang (MED)

Yifan Wu (SSE)

Jiantong Kang (SSE)      










Chunyun Wei


Undergraduate student in Tianjin University







Senior Researcher :

Xiaopu Wang  (Base in AIRS)


Ph.D., ETH Zurich, Switzerland

M. Eng., Chinese Academy of Sciences, China

B.Sc., Shanxi University, China


Yan Zhou  (Base in AIRS)


Ph.D., Hong Kong Baptist University

B. Eng., Harbin University of Science and Technology

M.Phil. Students :

Zhen Yang  (Y1)


B.Eng., Wuhan University of Technology






Research Assistants :

Yue Xi  (Base in AIRS)


M.Sc., Nanyang Technological University

B.Eng., Dalian University of Technology




Xiaoyan Xu  (Base in AIRS)


M.Sc., Changchun University of Technology

B.Sc., Qufu Normal University




Xinpeng Niu  (Base in AIRS)


B.Eng., Dalian University of Technology