About Us
[03/2025] Our paper "Active Exploration and Reconstruction of Vascular Networks Using Microrobot Swarms" has been accepted in Nature Machine Intelligence. Congratulations to Xingzhou and Yibin!
[02/2025] Our paper "Active Microgel Particle Swarms for Intrabronchial Targeted Delivery" has been accepted in Science Advances. Congratulations to Hui!
[01/2025] 俞教授获中国电子学会科学技术奖自然科学二等奖。
[11/2024] 团队获得2024年中国高交会优秀科研成果创新奖。
[10/2024] Yibin's IROS paper "Millipede-Inspired Multi-legged Magnetic Soft Robots for Targeted Locomotion in Tortuous Environments" won IROS 2024 Best Conference Student Paper Award! Congratulations to Yibin and co-authors!
[09/2024] 俞教授加入CCF智能机器人专委会,任执行委员。
[05/2024] Prof. Yu has been elected as IEEE Senior Member.
[04/2024] Our paper "Swarm Autonomy: From Agent Functionalization to Machine Intelligence" has been accepted in Advanced Materials. Congratulations to Yibin!
[04/2024] 俞教授与杜星洲博士参与撰写国家标准GB/T 36239-2018《特种机器人 术语》。 (https://std.samr.gov.cn/gfs/search/gfsDetailed?id=F192BDBE54F335C9E05397BE0A0A4E73).
[02/2024] Prof. Yu received 2024 Early Academic Career Award in Robotics and Automation from the IEEE Robotics and Automation Society (RAS). He is the first Chinese awardee of this award in recent 14 years, and is the first awardee who is affiliated with a research organization in mainland China since the award was founded since 1999.
[12/2023] Prof. Yu is invited as a keynote speaker on International Conference on Control, Robotics and Cybernetics (CRC 2023).
[11/2023] Congratulations to Yibin Wang as the First Prize recipient of SSE Doctoral Research Award, and Hui Chen as the Second Prize recipient of this award!
[10/2023] Congratulations to Yuezhen Liu (PhD student) for winning the Gold Award (Oral Presentation) in the First Graduate Research Forum of The Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen.
[10/2023] Prof. Yu has been elected into Stanford World Top 2% Scientist (Year 2022).
[08/2023] 俞教授获评北京交叉科学学会“学术新秀”奖。
[08/2023] 俞教授牵头获批国家重点研发计划青年科学家项目。
[08/2023] Prof. Yu won the Rising Star Award on IEEE 3M-NANO.
[07/2023] Prof. Yu won Frontiers of Science Award on International Congress of Basic Science.
[07/2023] Our paper "Shape Reconfiguration and Path Planning of Microswarms for Automatic Collision Avoidance"
is awarded with Best Paper Finalist on IEEE RCAR 2023. Congratulations to Yuezhen!
[06/2023] The T-Mech paper "Multimodal Locomotion Control of Needle-Like Microrobots Assembled by
Ferromagnetic Nanoparticles" is awarded with T-Mech Best Paper Finalist in 2023.
[05/2023] Congratulations to Jinxin, one of the undergraduates in our group, for publishing "Biodegradable
Microrobots Toward Biomedical Applications: A Review" on Nanomaterials!
[04/2023] Our book chapter "Magnetically Driven Robots for Clinical Treatment" has been published.
Congratulations to Xingzhou and Yuezhen!
[04/2023] Our paper "Image-Integrated Magnetic Actuation Systems for Localization and Remote Actuaion
of Medical Miniature Robots: A Survey" has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on
Robotics. Congratulations to Xingzhou!
[03/2023] Our paper "Automatic Navigation of Microswarms for Dynamic Obstacle Avoidance" has been
accepted in IEEE Transactions on Robotics. Congratulations to Yuezhen!
[03/2023] Our paper "Amphibious Miniature Soft Jumping Robot with On-demand In-flight Maneuver" has been
accepted in Advanced Science. Congratulations to Yibin!
[02/2023] Prof. Yu has joined the Program Committee of MARSS 2023, and has been selected as the Associate Editor
of IROS 2023.
[11/2022] Our paper "Gravity-resisting Colloidal Collectives" has been published on Science Advances.
Congratulations to Junhui!
[10/2022] Our paper "Sensing of Fluidic Features Using Colloidal Microswarms" has been accepted in ACS Nano.
Congratulations to Hui!
[09/2022] Our paper "Dynamic Path Planning and Motion Control of Microrobotic Swarms for Mobile
Target Tracking" has been accepted in IEEE Transactions on Automation Science and Engineering.
Congratulations to Qian!
[08/2022] Prof. Yu gave an invited talk "Microrobotic Swarms: From Automatic Control to Biomedicine" in
VALSE 2022.
[07/2022] Our paper "Microrobotic Swarms for Selective Embolization" has been published on Science Advances. Congratulations to Junhui!
[04/2022] Prof. Yu has been selected into 2022 Baidu Global Chinese Young Scholar in AI
(AI+X interdisciplinary field, 50 scholars are selected globally);
俞教授入选2022年百度全球华人AI青年学者(AI+X 交叉领域,全球共50人入选)。
[02/2022] Prof. Yu has been selected into National High-level Young Scholar Program (overseas);
[02/2022] Prof. Yu has been appointed as an Associate Editor in IEEE RA-L.
[01/2022] Prof. Yu won the second prize of Wu Wen Jun AI Science & Technology Award (Natural Science Award); 俞江帆教授荣获吴文俊人工智能科学技术奖自然科学奖二等奖。
[12/2021] The Springer book "Field-Driven Micro and Nanorobots for Biology and Medicine" edited by Prof. Yu Sun,
Dr. Xian Wang and Prof. Jiangfan Yu has been published.
[12/2021] Our book chapter "Colloidal Microrobotic Swarms" has been published. Congratulations to Qian and Yibin!
[11/2021] Our paper "Adaptive Pattern and Motion Control of Magnetic Microrobotic Swarms" has been published on
IEEE Transactions on Robotics.
[10/2021] Our review paper "An Overview of Micronanoswarms for Biomedical Applications" has been accepted in ACS Nano. Congratulations to Hui!
[09/2021] Prof. Yu has been selected in Forbes 30 under 30 China 2021.
Web link: https://www.forbeschina.com/entrepreneur/57412
[09/2021] Prof. Yu has been elected as the Presidential Young Fellow in CUHK-SZ.
[07/2021] 俞教授入选中国微米纳米技术学会,微纳米机器人分会理事。
[12/2020] Prof. Yu has been appointed as a Topic Editor in Frontiers in Robotics and AI , and Micromachines .
[11/2020] Dr. Yu joined School of Science and Engineering, Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen, as an
assistant professor.
Intelligent Microrobotics Lab (IML) is affiliated with School of Science and Engineering, the Chinese University of Hong Kong, Shenzhen. The lab is dedicated to the research ranging from fundamental science and physics to technologies and solutions to a series of applications. The current focused theme of IML centered upon the development of microrobotic systems, actuation and control strategies, vision detection, and cell/tissue/animal trials.
Our dynamic team aims to take advantage of a multidisciplinary approach in both academic research and down-to-earth solution development for real-world problems. Our team members own different backgrounds with mechanical engineering, electrical engineering, and computer science, but with a converged focus on microrobotics. We have a close collaboration network of international researchers.
Our research focus on a wide range of microrobotics, e.g., design/control/swarming of micro-nanorobots, small-scale devices for health-care applications, and bio-inspired robotics.